Born into a humble family of vineyard owners in Fubine, Italy in 1900, Pietro Robotti was destined to become a decorated entrepreneur, restauranteur, philanthropist. His mission to “develop & increase the material well-being, moral, social, & cultural values of the civil community & its members,” in both NY & Fubine. He was survived by The Frances & Peter Robotti Foundation, his wife, Frances Robotti & close confidents, Peter Zuliani.

Like many Fubinese landowners in the early 1920s, Robotti left Fubine after an insidious insect infestation resulted in tremendous hemorrhaging to his family’s vineyard. Upon emigrating to Manhattan in 1923, Robotti drew inspiration from the NY spirit & quickly established himself as a master-caterer & adopted ownership of the swanky Chateau Richelieu; one of Manhattan’s finest luxury eateries. Frequented by a first-rate clientele including politicians, financiers, artists, & showmen, earning him the insignia of the Culinary Academy of France award.

Pietro Robotti:

Chateau Richelieu                37 West 51st Street NYC
Chateau Richelieu interior postcard
Frances & Pietro with the Chefs of Chateau Richelieu

In conjunction with his talents as a restauranteur, Robotti was a dedicated humanitarian & found great joy in contributing to the preservation of Fubine, both inside & outside Chateau Richelieu. Loyal to his roots, Robotti took special interest in employing those of Italian lineage, most notably Peter Zuliani, who worked his way up from a dishwasher to Chateau Richieu’s Manger, & eventual President of the Robotti Foundation. In Fubine, Robotti subsidized the donation of food & medicine to over 200 families made destitute by World War II. Additionally, Robotti was instrumental in the restoration of Fubine’s Church of Santa Maria Assunta & the construction of a local Fubinese primary school (later coined the Pietro Robotti School of Fubine). The President of the Republic awarded Robotti the Diploma of 1st Class of the Benemeriti of the School, Culture, & Art, as well as a Gold Medal for his considerable donations for the benefit of the primary school & infant education in the summer of 1958. Soon after, the President of the Republic, on the proposal of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, awarded Robotti the Star of Italian Solidarity of 1stClass. The Civic Administration of Fubine recognized Pietro’s honorary citizenship & additionally named a square of land donated to the Municipality by the Robotti family, after Pietro & Frances in October 1984. Robotti remained an active restauranteur until his retirement in 1984, after which he devoted himself entirely to philanthropic causes, which he attributed to “the culmination of many grape harvests & thousands upon thousands of meals served on this side of the Atlantic,” until his death in 1988.

JFK (Left) & Pietro Robotti (Right)

Behind every great man is a strong woman, & Pietro Robotti was no exception. Born in Los Angeles in 1910, Frances was Pietro’s right-hand woman in the administration of his philanthropic activities & the management of Chateau Richelieu. Frances’ degree in Literature & Art proved useful while she co-published numerous gastronomy texts with Pietro, including Much Defends on Dinner (1961), French Cooking in the New World (1967), & Key to Gracious Living (Wine & Spirits) (1972). These works led to the Robottis being awarded the Commanderie des Cordons Bleus, making Frances the first American woman to receive the title. Separately, Frances published her own volumes of historical research & artistic guides, including Chronicles of Old Salem(1948), Whaling & Old Salem (1962), Key to New York: Empire City (1964), & Whaling & Old Salem Intro (1972).


Frances Robotti:

"Key to New York:       Empire City" 
Frances and Pietro on cover of  "Italamerican"  

In 1987, Frances was awarded honorary Fubinese citizenship, "for having collaborated with her husband in the construction of public works with massive financial interventions.” As her husband's executor, Frances helped establish the Frances & Peter Robotti Foundation in NY & the Francesca & Pietro Robotti d'Italia Foundation in Fubine in 1989, along with Peter Zuliani. She died in NY in 2003 & rests with her husband in the cemetery of Fubine in the Robotti Chapel.

Robotti Chapel Fubine
Robotti memorial
Frances and Pietro Robotti 
First Board of Directors - 1991

The Foundation defines its philanthropic action with its intention to support, both morally & financially, the activities of organizations, associations, & voluntary groups in both Fubine & in NY. In Fubine, the Foundation continues to maintain a vested interest in the education sector, & has offered its patronage & financial support by establishing the Monferrini Study Center.  Additionally, it has extended sponsorship to the Onda Sonora Music Association, the Musica e Pensiero Association, & the annual Pittaluga International Classical Guitar Competition, to promote the conservation of the historical, artistic, musical, & cultural heritage of the Fubinese community & Monferrato territory. The Foundation sponsors various religious programs, including the Summer for Children program, as well as the restoration of local churches & ecclesiastical buildings. It has also partnered with other local Fubinese organizations, including L’Abbraccio & Lions International, in support of community outreach projects throughout the Province of Alessandria. In addition to its partnerships with various medical & cancer research foundations. Most recently, the Foundation sponsored crisis and Pandemic-related relief initiatives in collaboration with Il Monferrato degli Infernot, & separately organized food & financial donations, as well as helped sponsor refuge efforts during the Russian-Ukraine War. The Fubinese branch of the Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of five members, including Chairman Gian Luigi Ferraris, & effective members Paola Raimondo & Giovanna Ferraris, along with the Mayor of Fubine, Lino Pettazzi, & the Archpriest of Fubine, Don Macaine.


The Foundation:

Current New York branch Board of Directors

Members of the NY branch’s Board include Renata Zuliani, Maria Suydam, John Suydam, & Justin O’Shea, all of whom have diligently worked to modernize the marketing initiatives of the Foundation to increase its reach. Additionally, the NY branch, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has expanded its charitable works, having updated the Foundation’s bylaws, which originally designated four NY charities as the sole recipients of the Foundation’s annual donations, to include an unlimited number of reputable local charities in the NY tri-state area to be eligible for the receipt of funds.

In loving memory of Frances and Pietro Robotti, and Pietro Zuliani